Tonight was so busy I almost forgot to update everyone on Emma’s progress today. The morning proved to be rather uneventful in Emma doing fairly well and handling all of the doctors and nurses without much fuss. Around lunch it was even discussed that if Emma could handle being weaned off oxygen later in the evening she may be able to go home tomorrow. Well, I am hear to tell you that never happened.
As a matter of fact after taking a wonderful nap and looking very relaxed and breathing nicely, Emma woke up with a very difficult time catching her breath. Her breaths were very shallow and quick and her oxygen level dropped off fairly quickly. By the time Brent got here after work Emma was having as difficult time as ever taking breaths. The nurses upped the oxygen to one and her numbers seemed to go up to around 94 or 95 but wouldn’t go any higher. Emma started to sound like she was grunting rather then breathing. At this point the doctors decided it was time to x-ray her chest again to see what was going on inside.

A picture of Emma with all of the cards from her preschool friends at Walnut Creek! Emma also got a video from her Daycare Friends at Creative Connections.
After sitting around for roughly 3 hours waiting for results we finally got a resident to stop in and share with us that they were going to get Emma on yet another antibiotic that has the ability to fight a couple of very specific type of bacteria that can be involved in these types of cases. I’m not quite sure that they thing she has this but they do know that the antibiotic they are currently giving her hasn’t been working. While Emma had a fairly rough evening, as I lay here typing this update she is currently laying in her hospital bed singing and talking to her stuffed animals (Doc McStuffins characters to be specific).
One other minor development in our lives today was that we found out through discussions with the MRI staff in Boston that Emma will not be scanned next week due to her inability to be put under anesthesia. We haven’t heard from Dr. Chi as to what we will do, but I have an idea that I am going to be playing travel agent tomorrow with Southwest Airlines and hotel reservations. Yay!!

A picture of Emma and Dad from last night. She was giving dad cuddles (that doesn’t happen every day)
The Gehring family cannot thank everyone enough for all of the prayers and support that we feel and hear each and every day for the past three years. It has been an extremely long run of appointments, travels, and medicines but with all of your support it has been doable. God bless each and every one of you and thank you for all of the acts of kindness and support that my entire family is surrounded by. It is these things along with our faith that God is watching over our little Emma that keeps us going.
I feel like there was a lot more that happened today, but I can’t think of anything else so I guess I will quit typing.